Our Story...

Hello, nice to meet you! We are the Linnes-Bagley family. Andrea – A homeschool mom, massage therapist, forager, and lover of fresh cooked food. Jeff – A dad, musician, outdoor enthusiast, and DIY’er. Averee – 8 years old, competitive gymnast and budding artist. Miles – 5 years old, mountain bike fanatic and rock hound.

Our Creativity

Creativity fuels our happiness, whether it’s visual arts, music, nature and cooking, or  DIY home improvements . 

About our book

Our adventure with this book began in February 2020 when our homeschooling family visited The Frist Art Museum for a special exhibit on Eric Carle’s unique children’s book artwork. upon our return, we decided to try our hand at creating animal art in his style.

To learn more about our whole story watch the video below.

Book Launch

In April 2022, we hosted a book launch party to celebrate the milestone moment of publishing our book. 

Friends and family who supported us on this adventure joined us for refreshments and a chance to hear Averee and Miles read the book for the first time.